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Malcolm X : A Research Site

sessions   1-6 | 7-12 | 13-18 | 19-24

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Session 7      
  MISSION: POSSIBLE             Study Guide  
  The seventh session of the conference was titled "Malcolm X, Art and Culture." This is the only missing tape of the conference. We have decided to play music, a CD cut for the mobilization of consciousness in the struggle in Toledo Ohio. Malcolm X was a freedom fighter who understood culture and its role in survival and struggle. This music is from then (the 1960's) and now. You can get it in Real Audio or MP3. If any one objects we will remove any tune. Otherwise, we will have it posted until the conference concludes in July.


Session 8 
Malcolm X and Third World Leadership Study Guide
Chairperson Omayemi Agbeyegbe, Queens College CUNY 


Don Rojas, Executive Editor of Amsterdam News 

26:54      20:50  




Session 9        
New Research on Malcolm X Study Guide
Chairperson Ron Bailey, Northeastern University
Panel William Sales, Seton Hall University, author of Southern Africa: Same Struggle, Same Fight


  James Cone, Union theological Seminary, author of Martin and Malcolm: American Dream or Nightmare?


  Bell Hooks, Oberlin College, author of Yearning: Critiques of Race, Gender, and Class



Session 10  
Black Liberation and Social Revolution: U.S.A. Perspectives  Study Guide
Chairperson Dr Abdul Alkalimat, 21st Century Books


Panel Chokwe Lumumba, New African Peoples Organization, By Any Means Necessary Newspaper


  Linda Burnham, Frontline Political Organization, Crossroards Magazine


  Bill Fletcher, Freedom Road Organization, Forward Motion Journal


  Nelson Peery, Communist Labor Party, Peoples Tribune Newspaper



Session 11
Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World Perspectives Study Guide
Chairperson Julialynn Walker, Ida B. Wells Institute of Memphis, Tennessee
Panel Gus John, Black Parents Movement, (London)


  Edwin Madunagu, Guardian Newspaper (Nigeria)


  Erroll McCleod, Oufields Workers Trade Union (Trinidad-Tobago)


  Abdul Rahman Muhammad Babu, author of African Socialism or A Socialist Africa



Session 12
Youth Culture and Rebellion Study Guide
Chairperson  Joe Wood, Village Voice



Nicole Breelove, Nia Kuumba Poets


  Michael LaRose, Association for A Peoples Carnival in London


  Joan Morgan, Essence Magazine 



Charles Webster, Independent African Youth Movement



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