Intro to Afro-American Studies

Appendix A

Selected Scholarly Journals


Black American Literature Forum
Black Art  
Black Books Bulletin Black Law Journal  
Black Perspectives in Music  
Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research Black Sociologist
CLA Journal  
Callaloo: A Black South Journal of Arts and Letters  
First World: An International Journal of Black Thought
Freedomways: A Quarterly Review of the Freedom Movement
Howard Law Journal  
Journal of Black Psychology
Journal of Black Studies  
Journal of Negro Education
Journal of Negro History  
Journal of Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance
Negro Educational Review  
Obsidian: Black Literature in Review  
Phylon: The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture
Review of Afro-American Issues and Culture
Review of Black Political Economy  
Studia Africana: An International Journal of Africana Studies
Urnoja: A Scholarly Journal of Black Studies
Urban League Review  
Western Journal of Black Studies

Contents   Index